The ground has the words WAIT HERE painted in yellow, and a child's shoes are touching the bottom of the words. This indicates someone is using how to teach patience to get the child to wait.

Teaching Your Child to Wait | Learning How to Teach Patience


At Blue Parachute, our video library contains valuable resources and support, not only for individuals on the autism spectrum but also for teachers, parents, and communities. One crucial skill that greatly benefits children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is patience. However, learning how to teach patience can be challenging. More importantly, how do you teach an autistic child to wait?

Teaching a child to wait and develop patience is essential for their daily life and social interactions. This blog will explore effective strategies and activities to teach waiting skills and enhance impulse control in children with ASD.

¿Por qué son importantes las habilidades de espera para el autismo?

Children with ASD may face difficulties understanding the concept of time, often leading to impulsive behaviors and frustration. They also might struggle when it comes to controlling impulses.

Enseñarles habilidades de espera es esencial porque les ayuda a:

¿Cómo se le enseña a un niño a esperar?

Ahora que comprende por qué las habilidades de espera son importantes, es fundamental encontrar formas de enseñarle a su hijo a esperar. Enseñar a un niño a esperar requiere paciencia, comprensión e intervenciones estructuradas. Aunque a veces el proceso puede parecer arduo, a la larga valdrá la pena.

Aquí hay algunas estrategias y actividades efectivas para enseñar a esperar:

Ejercicios de respiración

Enseñe técnicas calmantes como la respiración profunda para ayudar a los niños a controlar sus impulsos y su ansiedad mientras esperan.

Contando juntos

Anímelo a contar o utilizar una cuenta regresiva visual para que la espera sea más interactiva. Además de ayudar a los niños a aprender a esperar, esto también puede ayudarlos a comprender mejor el concepto de tiempo.

Refuerzo y recompensas

Positive reinforcement is a valuable tool when teaching patience. Reward your child when they exhibit patience or successfully wait for something. This can include verbal praise, small rewards, or additional time for a preferred activity.

Juego de rol

Participe en actividades de juego de roles en las que usted y su hijo asuman diferentes roles y practiquen la espera. El juego de roles les permite experimentar la espera en un entorno controlado y de apoyo, ayudándoles a desarrollar las habilidades necesarias.

Historias sociales

Historias sociales are narrative-based interventions that help children with autism understand social situations and appropriate behavior. Create social stories focusing on waiting and provide examples of when and why waiting is necessary. These stories can include visual elements to enhance comprehension.

Escogiendo turnos

Engaging in activities that require turn-taking, such as board games or group activities, helps children practice waiting for their turn.

Horarios visuales

Horarios visuales can be adapted to include waiting periods. By incorporating waiting into their daily routines, you can help children understand that waiting is a part of their daily activities. For example, you can include a waiting icon on their schedule before a preferred activity.

Temporizadores visuales

Los temporizadores visuales proporcionan una representación tangible del paso del tiempo. Los niños con TEA a menudo se benefician de las señales visuales. Puede utilizar temporizadores con indicadores visuales claros para ayudarles a comprender cuánto tiempo deben esperar. Por ejemplo, si los estás preparando para una transición, puedes configurar un temporizador visual para mostrar el tiempo restante.

Juegos de espera

Play games that involve waiting, like “Red Light, Green Light,” or “Simon Says.” These games make waiting enjoyable while also reinforcing the concept.

Enseñando paciencia en Blue Parachute

At Blue Parachute, we understand the unique needs of individuals with ASD. Our collection of instructional videos, created by Licensed and Certified Behavior Therapists, incorporate Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques. These videos help support children and adults with ASD in various aspects of their development, including patience and impulse control.

Now that you have more information regarding how to teach patience, visit our library to find this and additional helpful videos. In it are tools to teach many important skills, including life skills, learning skills, communication skills, preparing for adulthood, and more.

Explore our website and video resources, then find a subscription plan that suits your needs. If you still have questions, we have answers. You can view our frequently asked questions page, or contact us at

Recuerde que con el apoyo adecuado y las estrategias adecuadas, los niños y adultos con TEA pueden desarrollar habilidades cruciales de espera, mejorando su vida e interacciones diarias.


Related Readings:

Blue Parachute – Who We Help

Blue Parachute – How We Help


Autism Speaks – Autism and Teaching Patience

American Psychiatric Association – What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Parenting Magazine – What Does Impulse Control Disorder and Autism Look Like?

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