Autism Patience

A puzzle piece with the word

Autism Patience When it comes to autism, patience is crucial for several reasons. People with autism may process information differently or struggle with specific tasks due to sensory sensitivities, communication challenges, or rigid thinking patterns. Patience allows them the time and space needed to navigate these challenges and develop their skills at their own pace. […]

Teaching How to Eat Properly With Utensils: A Spoonful of Developmental Milestones

Teaching How to Eat Properly With Utensils

Teaching How to Eat Properly With Utensils: A Spoonful of Developmental Milestones Teaching children how to eat properly with utensils is pivotal for their holistic development and paves the way for independence. At Blue Parachute, we understand that sometimes we can use some help when teaching children on the autism spectrum life skills, such as […]

Blue Parachute – Why Is Pretend Play Important?

Business Training Services

Blue Parachute – Why Is Pretend Play Important? What is pretend play? Also known as imaginative play and sometimes called symbolic play, this activity plays a crucial role in the overall development of individuals, including those on the autism spectrum. It can help a child’s development, including various essential skills they will need today and […]

Sign Language for Autism

An adult male is sitting on the floor with a male toddler, and the two are communicating with signs. This helps illustrate sign language for autism.

Sign Language for Autism Autism and sign language can intertwine in several ways, often serving as a valuable tool for communication and expression for individuals on the autism spectrum. There are many ways that sign language for autism can be used. At Blue Parachute, we understand that sign language is a beneficial tool. When it […]

How to Prepare for Adulthood

A silhouette of young adults looking at the sunset. They have their hands as if celebrating that they learned how to prepare for adulthood.

Autism: How to Prepare for Adulthood  Preparing for adulthood as an individual on the autism spectrum involves various aspects. This includes understanding autistic adult traits, making friends, developing skills for independent living, and others. Blue Parachute has an extensive video catalogue that serves as autism home support services. Continue reading below to learn more about […]

Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections

On a white writing pad on a wooden desk, someone has written Skill Development. Immediately underneath it to the right it to the right it says Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections. This is what the blog is about.

Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections Autism social skills play a crucial role in fostering meaningful connections and navigating social nuances. Understanding these skills is essential for individuals on the autism spectrum and those guiding their development. This comprehensive guide explores various aspects of autism social skills, including goals, training, and activities, shedding light on […]

Autism Life Skills: Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures

A cork board with the words Autism Life Skills Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures superimposed on top of it, which describes what this article is about.

Autism Life Skills: Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures Living with autism brings its unique set of challenges, and acquiring essential life skills is a key aspect of fostering independence and navigating daily life successfully. Blue Parachute is committed to providing valuable autism home support services through our video library, created by Licensed and Certified Behavior […]

Garantizar la seguridad del autismo: una guía completa

Un letrero de Safety First frente a un hermoso cielo azul y nublado indica que esta pieza trata sobre la seguridad del autismo.

Garantizar la seguridad del autismo: una guía completa Vivir con autismo presenta desafíos únicos y uno de los aspectos críticos es la concientización sobre la seguridad. La seguridad del autismo no se trata sólo del bienestar del individuo sino también de fomentar una comunidad de apoyo. Esta guía completa explorará la seguridad, la concientización, los productos y los métodos de enseñanza efectivos sobre el autismo para mejorar las habilidades de seguridad para […]

Comportamiento Positivo | Ejemplos de planes de apoyo para el autismo

Una tabla de madera detrás de 8 pedazos de papel, cada pedazo tiene una letra y deletrea la palabra COMPORTAMIENTO. Este artículo trata sobre el comportamiento positivo: ejemplos de planes de apoyo para el autismo.

Comportamiento positivo: ejemplos de planes de apoyo para el autismo En Blue Parachute, nuestra misión es proporcionar recursos valiosos y apoyo a personas de todas las edades, incluidos los niños en el espectro del autismo. Cuando descubre que su hijo se porta bien, quiere que repita este comportamiento. Por eso aprender a fomentar comportamientos positivos en aquellos […]

Trastorno del espectro autista: enseñanza de cómo preparar bocadillos

Un niño joven que vestía un suéter a rayas con un delantal verde con ribetes azules llevaba encima tres lazos más pequeños, uno más grande y algunas cáscaras de huevos marrones frente a él. Está agarrando uno de los tazones más pequeños con su mano izquierda y está a punto de agarrar una cuchara azul, que está dentro de ese tazón, con su mano derecha. Esto ilustra cómo enseñar a preparar bocadillos cuando alguien está en el espectro del autismo.

Trastorno del espectro autista: Enseñanza de cómo preparar bocadillos En Blue Parachute, reconocemos la importancia de desarrollar habilidades esenciales para la vida en las personas en el espectro autista. Una de esas habilidades es aprender a preparar bocadillos. Enseñar a los niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) a preparar sus propios refrigerios no sólo promueve la independencia sino que también mejora su […]

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