Getting an Autism Diagnosis – What to Do While Waiting

An adult’s hands are on top of a table, clasped together, as if the person could be anxious. On the table is a paper that reads Autism Diagnosis. This indicates that this blog discusses getting an autism diagnosis.

Getting an Autism Diagnosis – What to Do While Waiting If you are getting an autism diagnosis for your child or for another loved one, you might be filled with questions. You also might need to wait to see a medical professional who can start you on your autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis journey. Fortunately, […]

Recognizing Autism – Different Ages Show Different Indicators

A blue background with a red heart and six wooden blocks spelling out the word autism. Each letter of the word is a different color. This indicates the article will discuss recognizing autism.

Recognizing Autism – Different Ages Show Different Indicators Recognizing autism in individuals, especially children, involves understanding a spectrum of behaviors and developmental milestones that vary significantly with age. From the earliest months of a child’s life to their teenage years and beyond, the indicators of autism can change. This can make early and accurate identification […]

Autism and Clothes: Getting Dressed & Keeping Clothes On

A stack of blue clothes indicates that this piece is about autism and clothes.

Autism and Clothes: Getting Dressed & Keeping Clothes On When it comes to autism and clothes, children with autism may face unique challenges related to clothing due to sensory sensitivities, difficulties with motor skills, challenges with decision-making, and preferences for routine and familiarity (the need for sameness). These challenges can affect getting dressed and the […]

Gifts for Kids With Autism

A pile of gifts wrapped in blue boxes and tied with pink ribbons indicates this article discusses gifts for kids with autism.

Gifts for Kids With Autism Choosing gifts for children with autism involves selecting items that cater to their unique sensory needs, interests, and developmental levels. Ideal toys for children on the autism spectrum often offer sensory stimulation, encourage skill-building, and provide hours of fun. When selecting toys and gifts for kids with autism, consider the […]

Effective Autism Teaching Strategies

A female teacher who is about 25 years old and wearing glasses is showing a young child, who is sitting across the table from her, a hand-drawn picture of a house with people next to the house and the sun in the sky. This exemplifies how she is using effective autism teaching strategies.

Effective Autism Teaching Strategies from Blue Parachute Supporting Students on the Spectrum Instructing children with ASD requires patience, understanding, and effective autism teaching strategies tailored to their unique needs. Here, we look at various autism teaching methods and tools. This will help educators, parents, and communities as they are teaching children with autism spectrum disorder […]

Gifts for Adults With Autism: What to Get Your Loved One

A picture of two boxes, each wrapped in brown paper and each with a different shade of blue ribbon and bow tied across it. This implies the article is about gifts for adults with autism.

Gifts for Adults With Autism: What to Get Your Loved One When selecting gifts for adults with autism, you’ll find it’s similar to purchasing gifts for those who identify as neurotypical. On top of considering the person’s unique interests, it’s also essential to keep their preferences and sensory sensitivities in mind. While some individuals may […]

ऑटिज्म के लिए सांकेतिक भाषा

एक वयस्क पुरुष एक बच्चे के साथ फर्श पर बैठा है, और दोनों संकेतों के साथ संवाद कर रहे हैं। यह ऑटिज्म के लिए सांकेतिक भाषा को चित्रित करने में मदद करता है।

ऑटिज्म के लिए सांकेतिक भाषा ऑटिज्म और सांकेतिक भाषा कई तरह से आपस में जुड़ सकते हैं, जो अक्सर ऑटिज्म स्पेक्ट्रम पर व्यक्तियों के लिए संचार और अभिव्यक्ति के लिए एक मूल्यवान उपकरण के रूप में काम करते हैं। ऐसे कई तरीके हैं जिनसे ऑटिज़्म के लिए सांकेतिक भाषा का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। ब्लू पैराशूट में, हम समझते हैं कि सांकेतिक भाषा एक लाभकारी उपकरण है। जब यह […]

ऑटिज़्म अनुभव - स्पेक्ट्रम पर मौजूद लोगों के लिए आवश्यक कौशल

तीन शब्द प्रतिच्छेदित हैं, जो योग्यता, ज्ञान और कौशल हैं। पहले दो शब्द काले रंग में हैं, लेकिन कौशल शब्द लाल रंग में है, और जहां यह अन्य दो शब्दों को ओवरलैप करता है, वहां ये अक्षर लाल ही रहते हैं। इससे संकेत मिलता है कि ऑटिज़्म अनुभव के लिए आवश्यक कौशल आवश्यक हैं।

ऑटिज्म का अनुभव - स्पेक्ट्रम पर रहने वालों के लिए आवश्यक कौशल ऑटिज्म एक जटिल, आजीवन विकासात्मक स्थिति है जो आम तौर पर प्रारंभिक बचपन के दौरान दिखाई देती है। आधिकारिक तौर पर ऑटिज़्म स्पेक्ट्रम डिसऑर्डर (एएसडी) कहा जाता है, यह किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन के कई पहलुओं को प्रभावित कर सकता है, जिसमें उनके सामाजिक कौशल, वे कैसे संवाद करते हैं, रिश्तों को संभालने का तरीका और उनका आत्म-नियमन शामिल है। यह […]

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