Gifts for Adults With Autism: What to Get Your Loved One

A picture of two boxes, each wrapped in brown paper and each with a different shade of blue ribbon and bow tied across it. This implies the article is about gifts for adults with autism.

Gifts for Adults With Autism: What to Get Your Loved One When selecting gifts for adults with autism, you’ll find it’s similar to purchasing gifts for those who identify as neurotypical. On top of considering the person’s unique interests, it’s also essential to keep their preferences and sensory sensitivities in mind. While some individuals may […]

Teaching a Child With Autism How to Ride a Bike

A man holding the bicycle of his daughter while she balances on it implies that this is about teaching a child with autism how to ride a bike.

Teaching a Child With Autism How to Ride a Bike Teaching a child to ride a bike is a milestone moment filled with excitement and anticipation. When that child is on the autism spectrum, it brings unique challenges and considerations. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into teaching a child with autism how to ride […]

Getting a New Autism Diagnosis – Finding Help and Support

Getting a new autism diagnosis can be difficult. You need 6 things - help, support, service, assistance, guidance, and advice. The image is a sign post with each of these 6 items pointing, indicating that Blue Parachute can help.

Getting a New Autism Diagnosis – Finding Help and Support At Blue Parachute, we know that everyone’s journey is different. Some individuals will begin exhibiting signs to their parents, pediatricians, and other individuals that immediately indicate they might have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). For others, realizing that a person you care for is on the […]

Snacks for an Autistic Child

A man, woman, and their child are leaning on a kitchen counter as the child feeds the man. This implies that they are thinking about snack for an autistic child.

Snacks for an Autistic Child Navigating the world of snacks can be a delightful adventure for any child. For parents of autistic children, it often comes with unique considerations and challenges. From sensory sensitivities to dietary restrictions, finding the right snacks that meet both the nutritional needs and the sensory preferences can be a journey […]

Celebrate Neurodiversity

The word neurodiversity is spelled out with different colored magnets. Surrounding the word are different brains - one is purple, one is orange, one is red, one is multicolored, and there are others. These brains indicate that people are different or neurodiverse. They can be neurotypical. For those who aren't, we should celebrate neurodiversity.

Celebrate Neurodiversity – The Diversity of Neurological Differences Neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes and celebrates the diversity of neurological differences in the human population. It emphasizes the idea that neurological variations, including conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others, are natural and should be accepted and respected as part of human diversity. Instead of […]

Teaching How to Eat Properly With Utensils: A Spoonful of Developmental Milestones

Teaching How to Eat Properly With Utensils

Teaching How to Eat Properly With Utensils: A Spoonful of Developmental Milestones Teaching children how to eat properly with utensils is pivotal for their holistic development and paves the way for independence. At Blue Parachute, we understand that sometimes we can use some help when teaching children on the autism spectrum life skills, such as […]

Blue Parachute – Why Is Pretend Play Important?

Business Training Services

Blue Parachute – Why Is Pretend Play Important? What is pretend play? Also known as imaginative play and sometimes called symbolic play, this activity plays a crucial role in the overall development of individuals, including those on the autism spectrum. It can help a child’s development, including various essential skills they will need today and […]

Sign Language for Autism

An adult male is sitting on the floor with a male toddler, and the two are communicating with signs. This helps illustrate sign language for autism.

Sign Language for Autism Autism and sign language can intertwine in several ways, often serving as a valuable tool for communication and expression for individuals on the autism spectrum. There are many ways that sign language for autism can be used. At Blue Parachute, we understand that sign language is a beneficial tool. When it […]

Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections

On a white writing pad on a wooden desk, someone has written Skill Development. Immediately underneath it to the right it to the right it says Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections. This is what the blog is about.

Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections Autism social skills play a crucial role in fostering meaningful connections and navigating social nuances. Understanding these skills is essential for individuals on the autism spectrum and those guiding their development. This comprehensive guide explores various aspects of autism social skills, including goals, training, and activities, shedding light on […]

Autism Life Skills: Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures

A cork board with the words Autism Life Skills Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures superimposed on top of it, which describes what this article is about.

Autism Life Skills: Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures Living with autism brings its unique set of challenges, and acquiring essential life skills is a key aspect of fostering independence and navigating daily life successfully. Blue Parachute is committed to providing valuable autism home support services through our video library, created by Licensed and Certified Behavior […]

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