मीडिया में आत्मकेंद्रित प्रतिनिधित्व
Autistic representation in the media is a double-edged sword. A tasteful and accurate representation of the condition can not only spread autism awareness, but such a portrayal can also instill more acceptance in the world for people living on the spectrum. A poor representation can do more harm than good by leading to myths or creating hate that spreads throughout society.
Blue Parachute has created a library of videos that act as autism home support services. These videos were designed to help a variety of people and locations to learn more about ASD and teach those on the spectrum.
We believe that proper autism representation is vital in shaping the cultural view of this condition. We want teachers, parents, and children on the spectrum to understand more. That is why we have written this and other blogs that discuss topics related to autism spectrum disorder.
Our videos are here to aid those with ASD in learning many आवश्यक कौशल, including life, communication, and other skills. Because such skills are usually provided to children by their parents, these aren’t always fully covered in schools.
मीडिया में आत्मकेंद्रित का अच्छा प्रतिनिधित्व
Behavioral support at home and in public is critical for anyone living on the autism spectrum. Media that includes proper and correct autism representation can help promote this support.
Works such as Anything But Typical, Silicon Valley, The Middle, and Community show people on the autism spectrum as complete people with rounded characters. This is done in a respectful and understanding way in which the condition is not their only characteristic. In addition, these shows have made people from many different backgrounds living with the condition feel represented and heard.
Are the media representations of the autism spectrum accurate? Not always. Fortunately, autism and representation have both seen improvements. Works like these can be seen as building blocks from which to continue the trend of acceptance and understanding of ASD.
मीडिया में आत्मकेंद्रित गलत यानी
ऐसा माना जाता है कि स्पेक्ट्रम पर लोगों का प्रतिशत 2% के आसपास है। इससे यह देखना निराशाजनक हो जाता है कि मीडिया में ऑटिज़्म का प्रतिनिधित्व व्यक्ति को उनकी स्थिति से अलग करने का ख़राब काम कैसे कर सकता है। ये गलत प्रस्तुतियाँ एएसडी के बारे में मिथकों को कायम रखती हैं जो सत्य पर आधारित नहीं हैं।
What makes movies such as The Accountant, Music, and Rain Man problematic? The characters in these films with autism spectrum disorder make it harder to understand the condition. In addition, they misrepresent ASD in a way that, to some, comes off as offensive. Such moves also create ideas that some traits are stereotypical.
एक फिल्म कई धारणाओं का परिणाम हो सकती है
For example, in Rain Main, the character of Raymond, played by Dustin Hoffman, was based on a gentleman named Kim Peek (1951-2009).1 Kim, who was on the spectrum, had savant syndrome. This syndrome is a condition where a person has excellent memory, ability, and/or talent.
In Rain Main, this was portrayed in such scenes as when a box of toothpicks fell, and Raymond was able to count them incredibly quickly and accurately. The problem with this and similar movie scenes, however, is that those who are not knowledgeable about autism spectrum disorder might make assumptions based on what they see on screen.
When considering various scenes in Rain Main, viewers might make incorrect assumptions. In the movie’s scene where the toothpicks are counted, some movie watchers may mistakenly believe that all those on the spectrum have savant syndrome. The reality is that only about one person per million has this condition,2 and only one in ten people diagnosed with autism has a skill that would be considered savant.3
ग़लतबयानी के प्रभाव
यह दिखाना कि स्पेक्ट्रम पर रहने वाला व्यक्ति स्वाभाविक रूप से अलग या अद्वितीय है, हानिकारक हो सकता है, भले ही कला का ऐसा निर्माण नेक इरादे से किया गया हो। यह सुनिश्चित करना कि विशेष आवश्यकता वाले लोगों को "अन्य" के रूप में वर्गीकृत नहीं किया गया है, ऑटिज्म और इससे प्रभावित लोगों की बढ़ती स्वीकार्यता और समझ के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।
सौभाग्य से, जब मीडिया प्रतिनिधित्व की बात आती है, तो हमने देखा है कि कई रुझान सही दिशा में जा रहे हैं। जब निष्पक्ष और ईमानदार प्रतिनिधित्व की बात आती है तो कभी भी समझौता नहीं करना महत्वपूर्ण है।
ऑटिज़्म थेरेपी और शिक्षा
ऑटिज़्म स्पेक्ट्रम पर रहने वाले किसी व्यक्ति के माता-पिता या अभिभावक के रूप में, उन्हें फिल्में, शो और अन्य कार्य दिखाना सुनिश्चित करें जो एएसडी वाले लोगों को उचित रूप से प्रदर्शित करते हैं। हालाँकि, सुनिश्चित करें कि मीडिया के ये हिस्से उन्हें बाकी समुदाय से अलग या बहिष्कृत महसूस न कराएं।
If you need additional autism spectrum training or education, the videos available from Blue Parachute might be exactly what you are looking for. Based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy and created by Licensed and Certified Behavior Therapists, our videos can help you teach स्पेक्ट्रम पर बच्चे, young adults preparing for adulthood, and many others.
We are here for शिक्षकों की, माता-पिता, समुदाय, and more, with our video assortment. We understand that one price does not fit all, which is why we established subscription pricing. Whether you need to watch only a handful of videos or you can be helped by many, we can help you find a subscription that works for you.
Click here and sign up now to take full advantage of our library of high-quality, evidence-based resources to help individuals with ASD be set up for success and reach their full potential. नीला पैराशूट. Easy. Affordable. Life-Changing.
सूत्रों का कहना है:
1 – The New York Times – Kim Peek, Inspiration for ‘Rain Main,’ Dies at 58
2 – Wikipedia – Savant Syndrome
3 – SSM Health – Savant Syndrome
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