Enseñanza del juego y habilidades sociales para el autismo
At Blue Parachute, we understand the importance of the development and growth of individuals on the autism spectrum. Our videos based on ABA therapy are designed to help parents and teachers teach social skills for autism, or officially Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These videos were created by Licensed and Certified Behavior Therapists, and they are good for children, students, and high-functioning adults with ASD.
¿Por qué son importantes las habilidades sociales para el autismo?
Social skills for autism are essential for individuals with autism to succeed in their personal and professional lives. Studies have shown that specialized training can improve social communication and social interaction in individuals with ASD. These skills can also improve their ability to form and maintain relationships, make friends, and navigate social situations. Additionally, teaching play skills to young children with autism is one way to help these children better learn how to be social with others.
¿Qué vídeos de formación sobre juegos y habilidades sociales ofrecemos?
Ofrecemos una variedad de videos de capacitación para personas en el espectro del autismo. Algunos de los videos que enseñan habilidades de juego funcional para el autismo y otras formas de enseñar cómo ser social incluyen:
- Teaching cooperative play: This video teaches children with autism how to work together and play cooperatively with others.
- Teaching parallel play: A useful video that teaches children with autism how to play alongside others and engage in parallel play.
- Teaching how to share: Not everyone is good at sharing, but this video teaches children on the autism spectrum how to share their toys and take turns with others.
- Teaching how to take turns: Sharing can be complicated, but so can taking turns. This video teaches children with autism how to take turns during play and conversations.
- Teaching functional play skills: Autism spectrum children need to learn how to engage in functional play that can be used in their daily lives. That is why this video on teaching play skills to one with autism can be so helpful.
Estos videos están diseñados para ayudar a los padres y maestros a enseñar a los niños con autismo cómo ser sociables de una manera divertida y atractiva.
¿Cómo pueden ayudarlo nuestros videos?
Nuestros videos ofrecen una forma efectiva de enseñar habilidades sociales para el autismo. Se basan en la terapia ABA, un enfoque científicamente probado para enseñar habilidades a las personas con autismo. Los videos son fáciles de seguir y pueden ser utilizados por padres y maestros para reforzar el entrenamiento de habilidades sociales en el hogar o en el salón de clases.
Additionally, our videos are offered at subscription pricing. This means if you need access for a few months or a few years, or if you want to only watch one or many of the videos, we’ll have a plan that can work with you.
¿Por qué elegir el paracaídas azul?
Ofrecemos videos de alta calidad que se basan en la terapia ABA. Nuestros videos están diseñados para ser atractivos y efectivos, ayudando a los niños con autismo a aprender habilidades sociales importantes. Nuestros vídeos son:
- A form of autism home support services.
- Proporcionar formación.
- Guía.
- Apoyo adicional para familias e individuos con autismo.
Contáctenos hoy y comience
What are you waiting for? Your child’s journey to greater independence starts today! Click here and sign up now to take full advantage of our library of high-quality, evidence-based resources to help individuals with ASD be set up for success and reach their full potential. PARACAÍDAS AZUL. Easy. Affordable. Life-Changing.
Lecturas relacionadas:
Paracaídas azul: a quién ayudamos
Paracaídas azul: cómo ayudamos
American Psychological Association – Social Skills Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder
CDC – Data & Statistics on ASD
National Autism Association – Newly Diagnosed