Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections

On a white writing pad on a wooden desk, someone has written Skill Development. Immediately underneath it to the right it to the right it says Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections. This is what the blog is about.

Autism Social Skills | Developing Connections Autism social skills play a crucial role in fostering meaningful connections and navigating social nuances. Understanding these skills is essential for individuals on the autism spectrum and those guiding their development. This comprehensive guide explores various aspects of autism social skills, including goals, training, and activities, shedding light on […]

Autism Life Skills: Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures

A cork board with the words Autism Life Skills Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures superimposed on top of it, which describes what this article is about.

Autism Life Skills: Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures Living with autism brings its unique set of challenges, and acquiring essential life skills is a key aspect of fostering independence and navigating daily life successfully. Blue Parachute is committed to providing valuable autism home support services through our video library, created by Licensed and Certified Behavior […]

Ensuring Autism Safety: A Comprehensive Guide

A Safety First sign in front of a beautiful blue and cloudy sky indicates that this piece is about Autism Safety.

Ensuring Autism Safety: A Comprehensive Guide Living with autism presents unique challenges, and one of the critical aspects is safety awareness. Autism safety is not just about the individual’s well-being but also about fostering a supportive community. This comprehensive guide will explore autism safety, awareness, products, and effective teaching methods to enhance safety skills for […]

Blue Parachute – Your Autism Learning Partners

A picture of the word autism, with an image of two claymation people pushing together two puzzle pieces underneath it. The people working together help illustrate being partners, and how Blue Parachute is your autism learning partner.

Blue Parachute – Your Autism Learning Partners Your Go-To Resource for Autism Learning and Support Blue Parachute takes pride in being your dedicated autism learning partner. We understand individuals’ unique challenges when they are on the autism spectrum. We also know the importance of practical and effective learning tools and strategies for teaching things like […]

Flying With Autism: Tips for a Smooth and Safe Journey

A man and a woman are sitting in a plan with a young child between them. They appear to be trying to keep the child entertained. This helps illustrate flying with autism and that there are some tips to have a smooth, safe journey.

Flying With Autism: Tips for a Smooth and Safe Journey Flying with autism can be a unique experience that requires careful planning and preparation. For individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, air travel can present various challenges, from navigating the airport to ensuring safety during the flight. In this blog, we’ll explore valuable […]

The Autism Experience – Essential Skills for Those on the Spectrum

Three words intersected, which are abilities, knowledge, and skills. The first two words are in black, but the word skills is in red, and where it overlaps the other two words, these letters remain red. This indicated that there are essential skills needed in the autism experience.

The Autism Experience – Essential Skills for Those on the Spectrum Autism is a complex, lifelong developmental condition that typically appears during early childhood. Officially called autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it can impact many aspects of a person’s life, including their social skills, how they communicate, the way they handle relationships, and their self-regulation. The […]

Positive Behavior | Support Plan Examples for Autism

A wood board behind 8 pieces of paper, with each piece having one letter and spelling out the word BEHAVIOR. This piece is about Positive Behavior: Support Plan Examples for Autism.

Positive Behavior: Support Plan Examples for Autism At Blue Parachute, our mission is to provide valuable resources and support for individuals of all ages, including children on the autism spectrum. When you catch your child being good, you want them to repeat this behavior. This is why learning how to foster positive behavior in those […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Teaching How to Make Snacks

A young boy wearing a striped sweater with a green apron with blue trim worn on top us three smaller bows, one larger bowls, and some shells from brown eggs in front of him. He is grabbing one of the smaller bowls with his left hand, and about to grab a blue spoon, which is laying inside that bowl, with his right hand. This illustrates teaching how to make snacks when someone is on the autism spectrum.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Teaching How to Make Snacks At Blue Parachute, we recognize the importance of developing essential life skills for individuals on the autism spectrum. One such skill is learning how to make snacks. Teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to prepare their own snacks not only promotes independence but also enhances their […]