Autism Life Skills: Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures

A cork board with the words Autism Life Skills Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures superimposed on top of it, which describes what this article is about.

Autism Life Skills: Nurturing Independence and Empowering Futures Living with autism brings its unique set of challenges, and acquiring essential life skills is a key aspect of fostering independence and navigating daily life successfully. Blue Parachute is committed to providing valuable autism home support services through our video library, created by Licensed and Certified Behavior […]

Autism: Signs a Child Is Ready to Toilet Train

A female toddler is sitting in front of a potty training toilet, and a stuffed bear is sitting on a potty training toilet in front of her. This could be a sign she is ready to potty train.

Autism: Signs a Child Is Ready to Toilet Train Toilet training can be a significant milestone for children on the autism spectrum, and recognizing the signs of readiness is crucial for a successful transition. At Blue Parachute, we understand the unique needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and offer helpful videos and resources […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Teaching How to Make Snacks

A young boy wearing a striped sweater with a green apron with blue trim worn on top us three smaller bows, one larger bowls, and some shells from brown eggs in front of him. He is grabbing one of the smaller bowls with his left hand, and about to grab a blue spoon, which is laying inside that bowl, with his right hand. This illustrates teaching how to make snacks when someone is on the autism spectrum.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Teaching How to Make Snacks At Blue Parachute, we recognize the importance of developing essential life skills for individuals on the autism spectrum. One such skill is learning how to make snacks. Teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to prepare their own snacks not only promotes independence but also enhances their […]

Pairing Yourself as a Reinforcer

Pairing Yourself as a Reinforcer

Pairing yourself as a reinforcer for your child with ABA therapy is a huge role to take on. With the help of our autism resources center, we are sharing everything you need about paired-associate learning.