How to Get Your ASD Child to Stay at the Table

Discover strategies for individuals on the autism spectrum to stay at the table during mealtime. Blue Parachute offers videos for positive dining experiences.
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Teaching How to Make Snacks

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Teaching How to Make Snacks At Blue Parachute, we recognize the importance of developing essential life skills for individuals on the autism spectrum. One such skill is learning how to make snacks. Teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to prepare their own snacks not only promotes independence but also enhances their […]
Using Positive Reinforcement

Using Positive Reinforcement When supporting children on the autism spectrum, using positive reinforcement is a critical strategy that can make a world of difference. At Blue Parachute, we understand the unique challenges and potential of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our exclusive video library, developed based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, provides parents, […]
Decreasing Prompt Dependency

Decreasing Prompt Dependency With Children on the Spectrum Decreasing prompt dependency is one of many essential skills and an important part of raising children and encouraging them to become more independent. Put simply, prompt dependency is where a child relies on specific prompts or commands to do what is necessary. If your child is one […]
Children With Autism Brushing Teeth

Children With Autism Brushing Teeth: Tips for Parents For a parent of a child on the spectrum of autism, brushing teeth can be hard to instill into their children due to the hypersensitivity and routine attentive nature of children who are on the autism spectrum. As a result, being too relaxed about the process can […]
Pairing Yourself as a Reinforcer

Pairing yourself as a reinforcer for your child with ABA therapy is a huge role to take on. With the help of our autism resources center, we are sharing everything you need about paired-associate learning.
How to Use a Reward System for Children With Autism

How to Use a Reward System for Children With Autism All children like to be rewarded for their behavior and good deeds, but there is one huge difference. A child on the spectrum views rewards much differently than how we see them. Applied behavior analysis, or ABA, therapy uses the concept of positive reinforcers as […]
Teaching Your Child With Autism to Put On a Seat Belt

Teaching Your Child With Autism toPut On a Seat Belt One of the biggest concerns for parents with children on the spectrum is safety. When it comes to safety, it can be regarding their children or those around them. Especially when it comes to taking trips to the park, grocery store, or zoo. Often, this […]
Complete a Difficult Task: Autism & Stress

Asking Your Child to Complete a Difficult Task: Autism & Stress Having an autistic child that can pay attention is an essential skill, especially during the learning process. When asking your child to complete a difficult task, you will want your child to be paying attention and focused. A huge part of getting your child […]
Shaping Your Child With Autism’s Behavior

Shaping Your Child With Autism’s Behavior As a parent, it can be difficult helping your child navigate life after an autism diagnosis. Shaping your child with autism’s behavior is an essential part of building a trusted and healthy bond between learner and reinforcer. At Blue Parachute, our Licensed and Certified Behavior Therapists understand the importance […]