Un niño que lucha con una tarea que se le presenta,

Pedirle a su hijo que complete una tarea difícil: autismo y estrés

Having an autistic child that can pay attention is an essential skill, especially during the learning process. When asking your child to complete a difficult task, you will want your child to be paying attention and focused. A huge part of getting your child on the autism spectrum to pay attention entails them being aware of what they need to pay attention to. That allows the child to sort out the necessary information separate from their surroundings as they organize their thoughts. 

Attention problems in autism are common and take a lot of patience, especially at the beginning. Placing yourself as a reinforcer for your child can help get them to cooperate and pay attention when asked to complete a difficult task. 

Whether you are a parent or teacher, or you represent one of many Ubicaciones Sin Recursos, at Blue Parachute, we can help. Below we share our insights on autism and stress management as well as getting your child on the spectrum to pay attention.

Cómo aumentar la capacidad de atención en el autismo 

A muchos niños les resulta difícil la tarea de prestar atención. A algunos niños autistas les costará prestar atención y concentrarse en cosas que no les interesan, mientras que otros pueden ser capaces de prestar atención durante un periodo prolongado si están haciendo algo que les gusta o que consideran divertido. 

Children on the spectrum can learn to pay attention and develop this skill set as they get older and practice. If your child has attention problems in autism, here are some strategies that can help them pay attention and stay focused: 

  • Elegir una actividad que disfruten y definir claramente el comportamiento que les estás solicitando.
  • Proporcionar al niño en el espectro instrucciones claras.
  • Encuentre formas de hablar y jugar mientras realiza la tarea para mantener su atención en la realización de la acción. 
  • Modele tareas desafiantes para su hijo y solicite que imiten la acción.
  • Prepare a su hijo con las transiciones. Especialmente si están completando un proceso paso a paso hacia la consecución de un objetivo general.

Actividades de Atención al Autismo  

There is a wide range of autism attention activities to help keep your child engaged. Find what works for your child on the spectrum and use things they enjoy to help them complete challenging tasks. Children with ASD often find paying attention to be a strenuous skill set to adopt, as they may not know how to block out other sensory information while focusing on a single task. Here are some autism attention activities that can help your child develop an attention span through fun activities

  • Finger painting: Pintar con los dedos es una excelente manera de lograr que su hijo se concentre en una actividad específica. 
  • Walking an animal: Animal walking offers a game-like exercise that can help grasp their attention span. Using an activity such as the shape concept board, you request that the child select the correct shape out of two and place it on the concept board some distance away. Once they have correctly chosen the corresponding shape, they will ‘animal walk’ to the shape concept board and post it. 
  • Mirror play: El juego de espejos es una forma divertida de hacer que su hijo practique la recreación de ciertos comportamientos. Hacer que su hijo en el espectro realice acciones similares después de que usted puede ayudar a aumentar su capacidad de atención y avanzar lentamente hasta llevar a cabo el comportamiento deseado. 
  • Sound activities: Para ayudar a mejorar su tolerancia a sentarse, use una actividad de creación de sonido con una batería, un xilófono o un piano.
  • Sorting and organization: La clasificación por formas o colores se puede convertir fácilmente en un ejercicio prolongado para ayudarlos a completar una tarea estresante como prestar atención.

Autismo y manejo del estrés 

It can be incredibly stressful for both the parent and the child with autism to complete a difficult task, especially without the right resources. This is one reason we strive to provide parents, guardians, and teachers of children on the spectrum with the skills they need to benefit their daily routines by reducing stress. This includes Habilidades para la vida, Habilidades de aprendizaje, Habilidades de comunicación, and more.

We have an array of videos available from Blue Parachute that serve as autism home support services. These videos were created by Licensed and Certified Behavior Therapists, and they are available with subscription pricing. This means you can pick a plan with as few or as many videos as you need in your situation.

On this website, you can learn more about A QUIEN AYUDAMOS and Como ayudamosClick here and sign up now to take full advantage of our library of high-quality, evidence-based resources to help individuals with ASD be set up for success and reach their full potential. PARACAÍDAS AZUL. Easy. Affordable. Life-Changing.

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