A male doctor with short brown hair, a mustache, and a short beard is smiling at the camera. He is showing that life can be very good after an autism diagnosis of yourself or your loved one.

What to Do After an Autism Diagnosis

Though you might be wondering what to do after an autism diagnosis, you have to start at the beginning. This means before you even receive a diagnosis, there are some steps you must take.

Blue Parachute is here to help you better understand what to do before and after a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Continue reading below to learn more about the diagnosis of ASD.

What Are the Autism Diagnosis Steps?

The diagnosis of autism typically involves several key steps: initial screening, comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, and follow-up assessments. Initial screening often occurs during routine pediatric visits with tools like the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT). If screening results indicate potential concerns, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted by a multidisciplinary team, which may include developmental pediatricians, child psychologists, and neurologists, who use detailed assessments like Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). Follow-up assessments are crucial to refine the diagnosis and guide intervention strategies.

When Does Autism Get Diagnosed?

Autism can be diagnosed at various ages, with some cases identified as early as 18 to 24 months old. However, for many individuals, a formal diagnosis may not be made until later in childhood, or occasionally even in adolescence or adulthood, especially in milder cases or those without access to early screening and evaluation.

What Happens If You Get Diagnosed With Autism?

Receiving a diagnosis of autism, whether it’s for yourself or your loved one, opens the door to tailored educational and behavioral interventions that can significantly improve functioning and quality of life. It often leads to access to specialized services and support at school and in the community, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, and applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy. For many, it also provides a framework for understanding their experiences and challenges.

What Should You Do After an Autism Diagnosis?

After receiving an autism diagnosis, it’s crucial to process the emotional and practical implications of the diagnosis. Initially, parents and caregivers might feel a range of emotions, from relief at having an explanation for previously unexplained behaviors to concern about the future. It’s beneficial to connect with support groups or networks that can offer understanding and insights through shared experiences. Seeking information from reliable sources about autism can also help you understand what to expect and how to support your child effectively.

What Are the First Steps After an Autism Diagnosis?

The first steps after an autism diagnosis typically involve forming a support network and beginning to explore therapy options. This includes scheduling appointments with specialists who can offer tailored advice and therapies for your child’s specific needs. Key professionals might consist of developmental pediatricians, child psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists. These professionals will help you create an initial treatment plan focused on your child’s strengths and areas that need support, setting the foundation for targeted interventions.

What Are the Next Steps After an Autism Diagnosis?

After establishing a basic care and support plan, the steps that follow involve implementing and regularly reviewing the effectiveness of the interventions. This could mean starting therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, or behavioral therapies, including applied behavior analysis (ABA). Regular assessments will help track progress and adjust interventions as necessary to ensure they are meeting your child’s evolving needs. It’s also essential to integrate educational planning and support, as working closely with your child’s school can provide a consistent approach to learning and development.

Who Does ABA Therapy?

ABA therapy is typically conducted by a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) who has specialized training in behavior analysis. BCBAs design and supervise behavior intervention plans and work closely with families and other caregivers to implement these plans effectively. Additionally, ABA therapy sessions may be conducted by registered behavior technicians (RBTs), licensed and certified behavior therapists, or ABA therapists who work under the supervision of a BCBA. These professionals are trained in ABA principles and have practical experience in delivering these interventions to individuals with autism and other behavioral challenges.

What Are the Basic Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis?

The basic principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) involve understanding how behaviors are affected by the environment and using this understanding to increase helpful or positive behaviors and reduce harmful or problematic behaviors. Fundamental principles include positive reinforcement, structured teaching, generalization, measurable outcomes, and systematic assessment.

How Does ABA Therapy Help Autism?

ABA therapy helps individuals with autism by breaking down complex skills into smaller, teachable components and systematically teaching these skills through reinforcements and support. It focuses on improving specific behaviors, such as social skills, self-care, and communication, which are often difficult for people with autism. By using interventions tailored to each individual’s needs and regularly monitoring progress, ABA can significantly improve daily functioning and overall quality of life.

How Can You Do ABA Therapy at Home?

Practicing ABA therapy at home involves several steps, preferably starting with a thorough assessment by a qualified behavior analyst to tailor the interventions to the child’s specific needs. Professionals can train parents and caregivers to apply ABA principles consistently throughout daily routines. This might include setting specific goals, using rewards to reinforce desirable behaviors, and maintaining a structured environment that facilitates learning. 

But what happens if you are trying to connect with a behavioral therapist for ABA therapy, and there is a long wait? Or what if there are no centers in your area? What are your other choices? This is where Blue Parachute steps in and helps.

Blue Parachute

Now that you have a diagnosis of autism, Blue Parachute’s videos are almost like having a center for autism and neurodevelopmental disorders. This extensive collection of training tools was written and created by Licensed and Certified Behavior Therapists using applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy. There is even affordable subscription pricing to ensure everyone can afford the help they need.

Use our library of videos as an autism resource. They help parents, instructors, caregivers, and others with ABA instruction for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. We even offer business training programs. Our goal is to teach and learn with those on the autism spectrum or with other neurodevelopmental conditions. 

Are you interested in utilizing our array of helpful videos? You can view our pricing or go ahead and sign up for our free trial. If you have additional questions we haven’t answered here, please read our Frequently Asked Questions page. You can also email us at support@TheBlueParachute.com

Blue Parachute. Easy. Affordable. Life-Changing.


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Blue Parachute – Who We Help

Blue Parachute – How We Help

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